Quality & Standards

Every industry seeks perfection, but only a few manage to achieve it. At ECFI, quality is at the core of everything we do. We adhere to the highest quality standards to ensure that our customers receive only the best products. From sourcing the finest ingredients to implementing rigorous quality control measures, we take every step necessary to deliver safe and delicious food that meets and exceeds industry standards so that you can trust that every bite you take is a taste of excellence.
Why Choose Us?

Our Tests
1. Microbiological
- Aerobic total plate count
- Yeast/Moulds
- Coliforms
- Salmonella
- Others
2. Chemicals
- Catalyze
- Peroxides
- So2
- PH
- Others
3. Heavy Meta
- Lead
- Cadmium
- Mercury
- Arsen
- Others
4. Pesticide
- Profenofos
- Lambda-Cyhalothrin
- Chlorpyrifos
- Propargite
- Others
5. Water
- Ammonium and nitrate
- Calcium and manganese
- Chloride
- Copper and zinc
- Others
6. GMO (DNA based)
- Seed samples
- Food samples
- Others
1. Microbiological
- Aerobic total plate count
- Yeast/Moulds
- Coliforms
- Salmonella
- Others
2. Chemicals
- Catalyze
- Peroxides
- So2
- PH
- Others
3. Heavy Meta
- Lead
- Cadmium
- Mercury
- Arsen
- Others
4. Pesticide
- Profenofos
- Lambda-Cyhalothrin
- Chlorpyrifos
- Propargite
- Others
5. Water
- Ammonium and nitrate
- Calcium and manganese
- Chloride
- Copper and zinc
- Others
6. GMO (DNA based)
- Seed samples
- Food samples
- Others